UAE: New Hospital in Dubai!
Hadassah-University Medical Center is in talks with leaders in Dubai to open a centre and likely move some of its top physicians , nurses and management to the United Arab Emirates, Prof. Zeev Rotstein, the director-general of the hospital, told The Jerusalem Post. As part of the first-ever Abraham Accords Business Summit, which was chaired by US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Rotstein was in the UAE last week.
During the tour, delegation members were divided by sectors, ranging from food and technology to defense and health care. On this mission, Rotstein was the only doctor, while he admitted that several other hospital heads had already been to the UAE to discuss possibilities. He met with members of the private sector during the tour, as well as government officials, he said.”They want us in the Emirates; they respect us; they want to benefit from our talents,” Rotstein said, adding that there is a presence in the nation of some of the best medical centers, such as the Mayo Clinic. “It really is a testament to our services and a vote of confidence for us.”
The UAE is “very transparent and free,” and, he said, they handled the Israeli delegation with warmth and reverence. But Rotstein warned that talks are in the early stages of the process. With the coronavirus epidemic already continuing and predicted to spike again in the winter, and as a result of Hadassah already failing financially, he said he was not willing to look out until he was sure that “we have a secure medical center for the citizens of Israel here.” “I want to create a stronger Hadassah in Jerusalem first, before somewhere else,” he said.
Like several of the other public hospitals in the world, Hadassah is currently in talks with the Ministry of Finance for compensation and grants to help offset costs and reductions of revenue arising from the coronavirus crisis.
Rotstein said he had already been welcomed back for a follow-up visit and that next month he will potentially fly to the UAE again.
Now, because we know one another, and trust is being built … I assume that we will develop a lot of cooperation, ” he added. Last month, the Tel Hashomer Sheba Medical Center and APEX National Investment of the UAE signed an agreement to facilitate a variety of healthcare solutions in the region.