The United Arab Emirates passport ranked best in Arab world! Who ranked second, third?!
According to Nomad Capitalist, a multinational consulting company, the UAE passport is the best in the Arab world, followed by Kuwait and Qatar. The UAE passport is ranked 38th in the world, with Kuwait 97th and Qatar 98th. Bahrain was ranked fifth in the Arab world (103rd), and Oman was fourth (105th). Kuwaiti passport holders can travel to 96 countries without needing a visa or can apply for one online. In 2021, Nomad Capitalist published a list of the best passports, which included 199 different passports from around the world. According to the list, the best passport is Luxembourg, which is followed by Sweden, Ireland, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Visa-free travel, international tax laws, happiness and growth, dual citizenship, and personal freedom are all factors that go into the Passport Index. Eritrea, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Afghanistan have passports at the bottom of the list. Iraq received just 23 out of a possible 100 points because Iraqi passport holders can only fly to 28 countries without a visa or with an online visa.