The Emirates carries on and ranks as the 9th country in worldwide economic competitiveness despite COVID-19!
Notwithstanding challenges from Covid-19, the United Arab Emirates remained the ninth most competitive country in the world for the second year in a running, and the only Arab country in the top ten, as shown in a survey conducted by the US State Department. IMD Global Competitiveness Ranking 2021, Swiss International Institute for Management Development It assesses the prosperity and efficiency of 64 countries by looking at economic performance, government efficiency, business and infrastructural efficiency, and a survey of CEOs in those economies. This year, Switzerland came out on top, followed by Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Singapore. The UAE also placed in the top ten in the report’s 40 key and sub-indicators, which include student mobility, cybersecurity, language skills, health infrastructure, entrepreneurship, globalization attitudes, and government policy adaption.
On Twitter, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Dubai, complimented the country’s accomplishments and stated that the UAE will continue to pursue its development goals. He remarked, “We haven’t stopped during the pandemic, and we won’t stop now.” The International Institute for Management Development stated that “due to the impact of the pandemic and the outcomes it has had on different aspects of the country’s performance indicators measured in the report,” there are large variations in the categorization of countries. The fact that the UAE has maintained its position is “scientific proof of the stabilisation of the state’s economy and the strength and effectiveness of the policies implemented since the pandemic.”