ARISE: UAE’s Risk Reduction Sector
Although the world faces difficult times and rapid catastrophe-related developments, and the need to develop risk-resilient communities is unavoidable, the United Arab Emirates is leading the private sector ‘s contribution to disaster risk reduction by launching the first Emerge initiative in the Arab region achieving the Sendai Process goals and priorities in a consistent and equitable manner that produces concrete impacts. This program is in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Catastrophe Risk Mitigation (UNDRR), which works for a stable , sustainable future in which less lives are lost due to disasters, capital assets and expenditure are risk-informed and infrastructure is stable to natural and man-made hazards and calls for risk-informed growth, enabling and enabling both the business and public sectors to adopt catastrophe risk and damage prevention programs and activities.The UAE Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies (ARISE) kicked off yesterday with its first meeting in Burj Khalifa headed by the Head of the UNDRR Regional Office for the Arab States (ROAS), Mr Sujit Mohanty, Dr Mahmoud Al Burai, Vice President of the International Real Estate Federation and Senior Counselor in the Government of Dubai, along with Dr Dena Assaf, United Nations Resident Coordinator for the UAE and other senior UNDRR officials. Dr Dena Assaf, United Nations Resident Coordinator for the UAE said: “For the last 75 years , the United Nations has focused on many global issues, spreading recognition and change around the globe, and the UAE has always been a bastion of hope and determination in the region. The position and contribution of the UAE private sector in disaster risk mitigation not only ensures a more stable and prepared environment but also makes for rapid progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Dr Dena Assaf invited the participants to add to the UN Global Community We Want dialogue and take the survey online at www. The first meeting agenda unfolded the UAE ARISE goals, framework, voluntary action promises and work plan 2020–2021, while the board election declared the presidency of the UAE ARISE, co-chair, Mr Ahmed Riad and the vice president, Dr Tariq Nizami, to HE Dr Mahmoud Al Burai. The members of ARISE decided that by integrating private-sector human capital assets with the expertise, outreach and services of the public sector, academia and other stakeholders, strategies such as organizational, connectivity, strategy, finance, risk management and technological solutions, UAE ARISE intends to contribute to achieving the Sendai Project Goals by 2030. UAE ARISE members have committed to investing in capability growth, education and involvement in the growth of necessary legislation, guidelines, technologies and regulations through the knowledge and creativity of the private sector to reduce the risks of disasters at national and local level. The UAE National Emerge will be formally initiated at the November 2020 Fifth Arab Alliance Meeting to Reduce Catastrophe Risks.